
The Sentry SDK uses integrations to hook into the functionality of popular libraries to automatically instrument your application and give you the best data out of the box.

Web Frameworks

Auto Enabled
python.django iconDjango
python.flask iconFlask
python.fastapi iconFastAPI
python.aiohttp iconAIOHTTP
python.bottle iconBottle
python.falcon iconFalcon
python.pyramid iconPyramid
python.quart iconQuart
python.sanic iconSanic
python.starlette iconStarlette
python.starlite iconStarlite
python.tornado iconTornado


Auto enabled
python.asyncpg iconasyncpg
python.clickhouse-driver iconClickHouse
python.pymongo iconMongoDB
python.redis iconRedis
python.sqlalchemy iconSQLAlchemy

Data Processing

Auto enabled
python.airflow iconApache Airflow
python.beam iconApache Beam
python.spark iconApache Spark
python.arq iconARQ
python.celery iconCelery
python.huey iconhuey
python.rq iconRQ

Cloud Computing

Auto enabled
python.awslambda iconAWS Lambda
python.boto3 iconBoto3
python.chalice iconChalice
python.cloudresourcecontext iconCloud Resource Context
python.gcpfunctions iconGoogle Cloud Functions
python.serverless iconServerless Framework

HTTP Clients

Auto enabled
python.aiohttp iconAIOHTTP
python.httpx iconHTTPX
Python standard HTTP client (in the Default Integrations)
Requests HTTP instrumentation is done via the Default Integrations.


Auto enabled
python.ariadne iconAriadne
python.gql iconGQL
python.graphene iconGraphene
python.strawberry iconStrawberry


Auto enabled
python.grpc icongRPC


Auto enabled
python.logging iconLogging
python.loguru iconLoguru


Auto enabled
python.asgi iconASGI
python.asyncio iconasyncio
python.pure_eval iconEnhanced Locals
python.gnu_backtrace iconGNU Backtrace
python.socket iconSocket
python.tryton iconTryton
python.wsgi iconWSGI

Default Integrations

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