
The Native SDK uses Transports to send event payloads to Sentry. The default transport depends on the target platform:

  • Windows: WinHTTP
  • Linux: Curl
  • macOS: Curl

Custom Transports

To specify a custom transport, use the sentry_options_set_transport function and supply a transport that implements the sentry_transport_t interface.

#include <sentry.h>

void custom_transport(sentry_envelope_t *envelope, void *state) {
   * Send the event here. If the transport requires state, such as an HTTP
   * client object or request queue, it can be specified in the `state`
   * parameter when configuring the transport. It will be passed as second
   * argument to this function.
   * The transport takes ownership of the `envelope`, and must free it once it
   * is done.

int main(void) {
  void *transport_state = 0;

  sentry_options_t *options = sentry_options_new();
  sentry_transport_t *transport = sentry_transport_new(custom_transport);
  sentry_transport_set_state(transport, transport_state);

  sentry_options_set_transport(options, transport);

  /* ... */

The transport is invoked in the same thread as the call to sentry_capture_event. Consider to offload network communication to a background thread or thread pool to avoid blocking execution.

Using an HTTP Proxy

The Native SDK allows the configuration of an HTTP proxy through which requests can be tunneled to our backend. This proxy must allow CONNECT requests to establish a proxy connection. It can be configured via the following option interface:

sentry_options_t *options = sentry_options_new();
sentry_options_set_http_proxy(options, "http://my.proxy:10010");

/* ... */
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